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Insight Culture

November 6, 2016

Discovering Your Sweet Spot Through ThriveTypes®

LaureliEach of us wants to discover and honor who we truly are. On our journey, we seek to connect with others, explore creative endeavors and produce extraordinary results while experiencing joy and fulfillment along the way.

How do we discover this true purpose within ourselves? At Culture Counts, we help our clients by working with them to discover their Sweet Spot. One of the biggest tools for this is what we call ThriveTypes, which serve as a guide for how each person can lead, live and love from the place of greatest authenticity.

“ThriveTypes are a set of archetypes for realizing and accessing what you’re best at and seeing how to do everything so that you feel the most fulfilled and are the most successful,” says Culture Counts’ Coach Laureli Shimayo.

“By understanding what was really true about me, I came to understand why my work wasn’t as fulfilling as it could be. I understood what would be more fulfilling, and I trusted that. I had the courage to completely change my career.”

As a former geneticist and molecular biologist, Laureli eventually came to realize that her passion was people — understanding their motivations and behavior and using this awareness to facilitate making things work. She became adept at assessing and using ThriveTypes to help others discover how they can make the switch from driving and striving to thriving.

ThriveTypes assessments help people quickly learn how to create better results and achieve deeper satisfaction by providing a roadmap for focusing them on what they do best, how they can best do everything they choose to do, and how they feel most fulfilled.

What are the Seven Talents?

“There are seven Talents and each person has three,” says Laureli. “When you know your Talents, you can easily see your life purpose and what your greatest gifts are. You can see the ways you naturally contribute.”

The seven talents are: Priest and Server (focused on people); Sage and Artisan (focused on the space between people and ideas); King and Warrior (focused on action); and Scholar (focused on assimilation and integration of what already exists).

Each person has three total talents; they are ranked in order of priority, or how much each talent shows up in you. The first Talent is the most authentic; the essence of who and what we are at the core — it is from this that we make our most meaningful contributions. Our second Talent involves how we authentically express our first. Our third Talent is least authentic but still real and influences us, typically in how we most naturally and easily learn.

“When you have a sense of all of your your Talents and many other traits, you have a map for how you are now, where you’ve come, and why things have happened the way they have,” says Laureli. “You can also see a map forward of your future — how you can measure and leverage your growth so you’ll feel the most fulfilled.”

So how do you know your ThriveTypes? 

ThriveTypes shine light on our true core.

“We reveal our ThriveTypes through our eyes and where we focus our attention,” says Laureli. “Our facial micro-expressions, postures, gestures, word choices, tone of voice, and body language all tell a story.”

When you participate in a ThriveTypes assessment, you will discover how to love yourself and honor other people. It will offer you a unique opportunity to easily access your authenticity and a path for rapid growth. The ThriveTypes assessments offer a rich and deep description of how each person sees, feels and interacts with the world and how they become more fluid and masterful at contributing who they are so that they can make the biggest, most meaningful impact.

For more information on how you can receive a ThriveTypes assessment, visit To order your copy of our new book on the seven Talents, “The Sweet Spot: Leveraging your Talents in Leadership and Life,” click here.

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